Diana and I had the absolute privilege of seeing James Bay perform live at the Hollywood Palladium this past Tuesday. For those of you who are unfamiliar with James, he is an English singer, songwriter, and guitarist. His first full album "Chaos and the Calm" has been number one in the UK and is largely popular in the US. His last US tour performance was this Tuesday's, so it was such an honor to have been there.
First off, best $34 I've ever spent. Seriously, I had the most spectacular first-concert experience. We weren't far from the stage, so the atmosphere resonated so strongly with my entire spirit and emotions. Words cannot accurately express all the positive vibes I received from the music. His music truly has this aura of transcendence. It's authentic because his voice and acoustic are in unison. He sets the bar so high.
When James performed my personal favorite, "Let It Go," I felt myself just letting go of all my worries. The lyrics go like this: "So come on let it go, just let it be. Why don't you be you and I'll be me. Everything that's broke, leave it to the breeze." I love this song because it resonates as a personal reminder to me: 1) Let go of the delusions in my head. 2) The things that aren't in my control, let it be. 3) Let go of burdens, and just be myself; the best thing I can become is myself. Even though the song itself is a candid song about the hardships of love, I've interpreted it my own way. Thus, I sing it as my own song, which is why it is my favorite song of all time!
In retrospection, I've been thinking about how I was totally lost in the moment during the concert. It was so liberating to forget everything going on in my life, allowing myself to simply appreciate the music. And that's what music is for. Music is about connecting to the deepest parts of ourselves--parts that we so easily disconnect with. So in recent weeks, I've been making time to put on the headphones and melt in between the lyrics and sounds. It is so soothing, and it significantly helps me regain focus and perspective, especially with all the pressure of college admissions going on right now. I strongly recommend you to do it to whatever songs you love. However, I do think that the type of music does matter. Typically soothing music with lyrics that you can personally connect to are the best. I'd definitely give James Bay a try. Below are some recommendations :-)
Diana and Dorothy's MUST LISTEN List:
-Let It Go
-If You Ever Want To Be In Love
-Get Out While You Can
-Hold Back The River
(But please listen to his entire album--every song is pure artistry!!!)
I can't believe we were in the front of that immense crowd! I will always remember Diana and I wrapping our arms around each other and swaying to "Move Together" with the rest of the crowd. Tuesday is a night I never want to forget.
Life is such a blessing. I'm so thankful to have these unforgettable experiences and to share them with Diana. Thank you James for reminding me that music is a shepherd that searches and treasures the calm within all the chaos. You and your music is beautiful.

Looks so much fun! Forever jealous